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Radiator Replacement
Radiator Replacement
Radiator Replacement

Professional Radiator Replacement

If you need help with your Radiator Replacement or if you suspect your cooling system is not working in your car or overheating, then don’t worry. Advanced Mobile Mechanics can come to you anywhere in Canberra to get cooling system repairs done for you.
How does a radiator work in a Car
A car radiator typically sits at the front of the engine bay and utilizes a network of tubes and fins to dissipate heat from the engine coolant. As the hot coolant flows into the radiator, the heat transfers to the surrounding air through the radiator fins, cooling the coolant before it returns to the engine, thus regulating the engine’s temperature.

How much does a radiator cost?

Replacing a radiator can be a costly affair, typically ranging from $450 to over $1000. Accessing the radiator requires our mechanic to dismantle several components of your vehicle’s cooling system. Therefore, it’s often more prudent to replace all the parts once the radiator fails.

While the individual costs of these parts may be relatively low, labor expenses can escalate depending on the complexity of accessing the radiator. To mitigate long-term labor charges, it’s advisable to consider replacing additional components such as the radiator hoses, radiator cap, coolant reservoir, and thermostat.

Our mechanic will assess your vehicle and provide a detailed quote before commencing any work, ensuring transparency and your comfort with the expense. All our automotive parts and labor are covered by a 12-month/20,000km warranty, offering assurance of service quality.

Entrust your car’s radiator replacement to Advanced Auto for a seamless and reliable servicing experience.

Several symptoms can indicate a bad radiator in a vehicle

  • Coolant Leak: A leaking radiator may cause coolant to leak from the front of the engine or underneath the vehicle. You may notice coolant pooling under the car or see streaks of coolant on the radiator.
  • Overheating Engine: A failing radiator may not dissipate heat effectively, leading to engine overheating. If you notice your engine temperature gauge rising above normal or see warning lights indicating overheating, it could be due to a malfunctioning radiator.
  • Visible Damage: In some cases, you may visually inspect the radiator and notice signs of damage, such as corrosion, rust, or bent fins.
We are a trusted name for radiator replacement in Canberra. If you think that you are having a problem with your cooling system, give us a call now at 0402047221 for quality automotive assistance.